
Thing 21 You Tube

I know Christmas is over, but I can't get this little diddy out of my head. I honestly don't think I will ever hear Toto's Africa the same way again. I think these guys are simply amazing. You Tube is such a great site. I love that there is a little bit of everything. The absolutely gross and disgusting, the informative, the tear-jerkers and of course the funny.

I could see using this in the library. I don't know how well it would go over in our library though. But that's my opinion.


Say Hello To My Little Friend...

Etsy. Oh yes. I headed right over to the Retail section. I love Etsy. It really is your place to buy or sell all things handmade. I've found some incredible items on Etsy. Like these earrings. How about this dress for Miss Pea? I'm also intrigued by all of the items at Beat Blacks shop.

Not many people would don an Intestines Necklace. It's not your everyday run of the mill necklace. Now, you may be asking yourself. How does one find an intestine necklace? I simply typed in a search..."intestine necklace". Oh no she didn't!

This is the necklace I'm going to get. Except it will have my kiddies names on it. Johnny and Pea. Or should I have Paige?

Anyway...I'm going to browse a bit more on the Web 2.0 Awards site. There's a lot out there! I'll leave you with this....

That's fancy-smancy is the Radio Flyer 2.0. I think my kids need one!

Thing 19 Apps

To see what I think of Google Docs, click here.

It was my intention to post it, but for some reason it only wanted to post to my personal blog. I didn't want to confuse my readers...so you'll have to see what I think of the whole thing on the link above.


Messin' with PBwiki~ Thing 18

Now that I've been introduced to PBwiki...be afraid. Be very afraid. I don't mind sharing my thoughts or opinions!

I added to Favorite Blogs, Favorite Movies (Animal House (Isn't it like a classic or something?), Steel Magnolias, and Edward Scissorhands. I was torn because I really like all Johnny Depp movies so I could have listed all of them. But didn't.)and Favorite Books. I didn't add as much as I wanted in favorite books, because frankly, the list could go on and on and on. You get the picture.

I also added to Favorite Websites. Had to give my favorite friends a "shout-out"! I mostly read blogs, and add to my own personal blog. Spreading some linky love...that's what the blog world is all about. I've been seriously blogging for 9 months, and I can not believe all of the incredible opportunities I had. It's not easy, but once you get your name out...especially to those PR reps good things happen.

Another PBwiki I'm really liking is Twitter Wiki. It's oh-so helpful...and hopefully when I get my new phone I'll be tweeting much more!


Wiki-Wiki What? Thing 17

Hours. Yes, hours...could be spent looking at all of the good wiki information found on Thing 17. Wowza! It's a little overwhelming, but I've found a lot of really good, useful information. I've wanted to start a Reading Group or Book Club here at NPPL, but don't didn't know how to go about it. I've got some great ideas now.

Another feature I really liked was the Book Lovers Wiki. It's wonderful! I'm going to have to read Flushed: How the Plumber Saved Civilization. I loved reading the review. It's not too in depth, just enough to make me want to read it. While they are kind of lacking on the Chic Lit and Romance section, they've got a strong Non Fiction that will keep you with something to read.

Another idea that I really like is from the Bull Run Library Wiki. They have an All Fairfax Reads blog and you can write your own reviews. I'd like to hear what others think of books, or even if they have any they'd recommend.


Library 2.0 ~ Thing 16

I really like the following, see entire article here...

What are libraries? Libraries are not just collections of documents and books, they are conversations, they are convocations of people, ideas, and artifacts in dynamic exchange. Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities: they preserve and promote community memories; they provide mentors not only for the exploration of stored memory, but also for the creation of new artifacts of memory. What was the library of the past? A symbol of a society that cared about its attainments, that treasured ideas, that looked ahead multiple generations. Librarians were stewards, trainers, intimate with the knowledge base and the minds who produced it. Librarians today are not just inventory management biobots: they are people with a unique understanding of the documents they compile and catalog, and the relationships among those documents.

I so agree! Libraries are communities! That being said, we grow...and not always at the same pace. I'm a risk-taker. Most of the time, especially when it comes to technology. Others...not so much. There are some people who won't even check their email. To me, I don't know if I could survive not having email! The thought...*gasp* Some are afraid hate change. They simply won't do it. To each their own...but we've got to face it. The times they are a-changing. Step outside of the box. Try something new! It's really hard for me to "do what has always been done". I shake things up...and I think I'm off topic.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I really like the concept of Library 2.0. We strive because of our patrons, whether they come in the door or use the online databases. We've got to change with our patrons. While some are getting older and older, we've got to adapt to those who are starting young. Let's give them all that we can. Start them out on the right foot. The 21st Century is calling...so let's answer.


Social Thing 15

Brands Obama

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: obama)

Because I still can't believe it! I couldn't be happier of the outcome even though it's been a month.

I'll share a link to my Slideshare...it isn't much, but it will get there. There is so much to look at...and I got sidetracked. I think this is a very useful tool. There really is no need to store these Powerpoints on your computer, and libraries can really benefit from having an account.


Too Good to Pass Up!

You have to check out Real Lottery Winner. A fantastically crazy contest is going on...one I can't pass up! You won't be able to either for that matter.

Can you say Mac Book Pro? How about two Mac Book Pros? Yeah, that's what is up for grabs. I'm in awe. It's easy to enter. Hurry...what are you waiting for?

While I don't know much about Real Lottery Winner, I do like what I see so far. All of the ads have come down...and I think that is great. I'm not a big ads person, although the money that was made from these ads went directly to charity...and that is a good thing. Everything is cut and dry, easy to find.

There is a post about Ebay Charity Auctions. Another that touched my heart. This guy spent all day at a Christmas tree lot buying trees for all who came to get their tree. How awesome is that? Everyone knows how hectic and stressful this time of year can be, but when you have someone do something nice for you...just because...wow. Incredible. Giving back, it feels really good to do it. While I realize that not all of us can buy Christmas trees for everyone, it can be something as simple as paying for the next coffee in line at your favorite coffee shop. That's one of my favorites! Winfield's, anyone?

So really, head on over to Real Lottery Winner. Sign up for the RSS feed, I choose by email and through Google reader. This is one blog you will want to keep coming back to read. I know I will!