
It's Nebraska 2.0

Hi there! If you are one of my readers over at Seeryus Mama, you won't find any of the normal stuff here. No pictures of the kiddies, no giveaway...at least I don't think there will be any giveaways! No Mommy Blogging.

This is a challenge that the Nebraska Library Commission through out...and I'm about challenges! You can read more about it on their blog. Or if you are a Nebraskan, go ahead and get yourself in the game. It's time to play! For more information, click here.

Hang on to your hats...I'm ready to roll!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hi Seeryus Mama! Glad you are participating in Nebraska Learns 2.0! I will have to check out your other blog since I like pictures of people's kids and reading about how other moms manage. (Am always hoping someone will reveal that secret piece of information that will cause everything to fall into place. Ha, Ha!)