
Let's Chat!

Thing 5 has a little something to do with chatting. Here at North Platte Public Library, we don't have a way for you to use Instant Messaging (IM) with patrons. How I wish we did! However, you can always email the Library and someone will answer in a quick manner.

I've been IM'ing for 8 and 1/2 years. I started out with AIM on AOL. Then, when I got my laptop four years ago switched over to Hotmail. We also use Skype on a regular basis. I really like Skype, as we use webcams. I can see and talk to my nephews in California. Usually, they are pretty excited to show me their stash of toys. It's also a way for them to visit with my kids, Johnny and Pea.

Now back to the library biz...In December or April...whatever, the library set up 12 brand spankin' new computers. Don't ask me what kind...I know they are a Dell and have a HUGE screen...but that's it. Anyway, Sara the Computer Guru asked our opinion about installing Meebo. So, we have it. I'm not sure if anyone uses it though. There have been patrons in the past ask, and we've always had chatting blocked. Personally, I'm glad to see it.

So, it's Friday, 4:00 pm....where is everyone? It looks like I'll have to save this post and see where I can get with it next week...until then...It's now Thursday morning and I was able to chat with Michael for a few minutes yesterday. So. Another Thing crossed off my list!

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