

So, I've signed up for Bloglines. I'd have to say, it's not the most user friendly. Perhaps that's because I use Google Reader. I think Google Reader is much more user friendly. Maybe it's not as "techie" as it should be, but we get along just fine. The one thing I did like about Bloglines, the Top 1000. It was interesting to search through and find the top 1000 blogs, websites, news feeds. Whatever. I've subscribed to some.

  1. Yarn Harlot. I've read her blog for years. This girl...she just cracks me up.

  2. Post Secret. I'm just nosy that way.

  3. People.com, see number 2.

  4. Overheard in New York. Can't. Stop. Laughing.

  5. Rocks In My Dryer - Meet Shannon...she's one great lady!

This was a great exercise. I found some really great things that I want to read, now I've just got to find the time! There were so many to choose from, and many more that I'd love to subscribe too. I've got a Technorati account...as do many of my fellow Mommy Bloggers. I like using Technorati, but don't use it much, only to "Fave" a particular blog I like. Companies like to know your rating before they give you products to review and giveaway, but that just depends on the company. This again, is a whole other topic!

1 comment:

Susan said...

I may just have to subscribe to Yarn Harlot! The other blogs you mention look pretty amusing too!