
Twitterpated Thing 13

Yes, I tweet. Codename: SeeryUs

Mostly, I tweet to keep up with my Mommy Blogging friends. I, myself, don't add updates to twitter so much because I don't have text messaging yet on my phone. I've got a hubby who is a major tightwad. I'm working on it though. Every girl knows that if you want a goldfish, you ask for a pony. So help me Pete, if anyone tells that to the Hubs...you are going down. I will personally take you out.

Okay, where were we? Anyway, so I tweet every once and a great while, and will after the new year more (new phone under the tree please!). I like reading tweets because I'm a nosy person. Plus, some of the people are just hilarious! Kristen at Mommy4Cocktails cracks me up.

Big surprise, there was nothing for the NPPL. Someday, someday though. I think you could tweet for your library though. Tweet about special presentations, like Brown Bag Luncheons, or special fundraisers. Tweet about when the library will be closing. The possibilities are endless. I'm going to follow Allana, if she okays it. I've tried to add the others, by my computer is acting up. Giving errors and whatnot. So we're just going to let it go at that.

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