
Flickr This Thing 8-9-10

I'm going to add a picture of my little girl Pea. This picture doesn't really fit in with the others I have on my Flickr account. The other pictures are of a trip my mom made this summer to Montana and Canada. She's not good with a computer, so I have to do everything for her. Wanna see the pictures? Click here. I've joined the Pets of Nebraska Librarians group and will have to post a picture of my little Lucy! That, ladies and gentlemen concludes this portion of Thing 8.

Okay, on to Thing 9. I was messing around and has NO IDEA you could watermark pictures! How cool!! This is great for blogging. Obviously, I have my personal blog and I have pictures of my children on there...hopefully they won't hate me in 15 years! With a watermark, I can still put the pictures on my blog, but I guess give myself a sense of security. This would also be helpful for our library blog as well. And for some reason I end up with an error. I'm going to have to play a bit more.

On to Thing 10. I used the Image Generator link and created a Warholizer. I used a different image from the first in this post...I think it's a cute result though!

I've seen others use Wordle. I'd like to, but I don't have the right thing loaded on this computer...so I'm giving up. Not that I usually do that, it's just one of those days.

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