
Thing 11 ~ Technology

Technology. There, I've said it. I consider myself young. Ahem, I'm 30. (Ugh!) I'm so afraid of losing touch with the Big T. Every single day there is something new. However, I'm not going to give up. I'm going to learn...and keep learning. I'm going to know just as much as my grandkids when it comes to Technology. That, being some day in the far, far future. It's not going to go away...so we might as well get used to it.


Rita said...

Seeryus Mama,
I'm much older than you, but I share a similar sentiment about technology. I will NOT give up! At times I love technology & at times I hate it. But I'm not going to let it win!

baskets said...

Like Rita, I am older than you, and sometimes I feel absolutely overwhelmed. However, I try to keep up and I tell myself that even the techies don't know everything, so I just do what I can and reap the benefits from whatever technology pushes my buttons.