
Thing 11 ~ Technology

Technology. There, I've said it. I consider myself young. Ahem, I'm 30. (Ugh!) I'm so afraid of losing touch with the Big T. Every single day there is something new. However, I'm not going to give up. I'm going to learn...and keep learning. I'm going to know just as much as my grandkids when it comes to Technology. That, being some day in the far, far future. It's not going to go away...so we might as well get used to it.


Flickr This Thing 8-9-10

I'm going to add a picture of my little girl Pea. This picture doesn't really fit in with the others I have on my Flickr account. The other pictures are of a trip my mom made this summer to Montana and Canada. She's not good with a computer, so I have to do everything for her. Wanna see the pictures? Click here. I've joined the Pets of Nebraska Librarians group and will have to post a picture of my little Lucy! That, ladies and gentlemen concludes this portion of Thing 8.

Okay, on to Thing 9. I was messing around and has NO IDEA you could watermark pictures! How cool!! This is great for blogging. Obviously, I have my personal blog and I have pictures of my children on there...hopefully they won't hate me in 15 years! With a watermark, I can still put the pictures on my blog, but I guess give myself a sense of security. This would also be helpful for our library blog as well. And for some reason I end up with an error. I'm going to have to play a bit more.

On to Thing 10. I used the Image Generator link and created a Warholizer. I used a different image from the first in this post...I think it's a cute result though!

I've seen others use Wordle. I'd like to, but I don't have the right thing loaded on this computer...so I'm giving up. Not that I usually do that, it's just one of those days.



So, I've signed up for Bloglines. I'd have to say, it's not the most user friendly. Perhaps that's because I use Google Reader. I think Google Reader is much more user friendly. Maybe it's not as "techie" as it should be, but we get along just fine. The one thing I did like about Bloglines, the Top 1000. It was interesting to search through and find the top 1000 blogs, websites, news feeds. Whatever. I've subscribed to some.

  1. Yarn Harlot. I've read her blog for years. This girl...she just cracks me up.

  2. Post Secret. I'm just nosy that way.

  3. People.com, see number 2.

  4. Overheard in New York. Can't. Stop. Laughing.

  5. Rocks In My Dryer - Meet Shannon...she's one great lady!

This was a great exercise. I found some really great things that I want to read, now I've just got to find the time! There were so many to choose from, and many more that I'd love to subscribe too. I've got a Technorati account...as do many of my fellow Mommy Bloggers. I like using Technorati, but don't use it much, only to "Fave" a particular blog I like. Companies like to know your rating before they give you products to review and giveaway, but that just depends on the company. This again, is a whole other topic!


Whatcha' Think??

How do you like the new digs?? I'll change it a couple of time before 2.0 is through! Change, change is good.

I guess I didn't really introduce myself...so you don't have to call me Seeryus Library or Seeryus Mama, I'm Sky. I'm a (part-time) library lady at the North Platte Public Library. I've got two beautiful kids, Johnny who is 8 and Paige (but I call her Pea) is 13 months. She's the little cutie on the right hand side of the page. My husband and I also have a doggie daughter, a black miniature schnauzer named Lucy. She's got uncropped ears and a white stripe down her back. She's our Skunky-Jack Rabbit.

I've been blogging for a couple of years now, but I've only been blogging seriously since March. I've "met" a lot of really wonderful people. I host giveaways every once and a while...I've got a few in the works now.

That's about it from my corner!

Let's Chat!

Thing 5 has a little something to do with chatting. Here at North Platte Public Library, we don't have a way for you to use Instant Messaging (IM) with patrons. How I wish we did! However, you can always email the Library and someone will answer in a quick manner.

I've been IM'ing for 8 and 1/2 years. I started out with AIM on AOL. Then, when I got my laptop four years ago switched over to Hotmail. We also use Skype on a regular basis. I really like Skype, as we use webcams. I can see and talk to my nephews in California. Usually, they are pretty excited to show me their stash of toys. It's also a way for them to visit with my kids, Johnny and Pea.

Now back to the library biz...In December or April...whatever, the library set up 12 brand spankin' new computers. Don't ask me what kind...I know they are a Dell and have a HUGE screen...but that's it. Anyway, Sara the Computer Guru asked our opinion about installing Meebo. So, we have it. I'm not sure if anyone uses it though. There have been patrons in the past ask, and we've always had chatting blocked. Personally, I'm glad to see it.

So, it's Friday, 4:00 pm....where is everyone? It looks like I'll have to save this post and see where I can get with it next week...until then...It's now Thursday morning and I was able to chat with Michael for a few minutes yesterday. So. Another Thing crossed off my list!


7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

So I've watched a little diddy on the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners. Not only was it to complete Thing 2, but this was good for me on a personal level. There are so many things I want to learn about...technology-wise and personal-wise. My biggest challenge for 2.0 is going to be a podcast. I've never done a podcast and don't listen to them either. It seems like I just don't have the time, plus...I'm not very patient when it comes to listening to something like that. I see it as a book on tape or CD, they don't go fast enough for me, so I'd rather have the book.

Now, I have a Learning Contract. Which totally makes sense. Each year my son brings home a contract at the beginning of the year in school. We have to read over it, talk about it...and we both promise to uphold that contract. It's about giving your all, completing your homework on time, being a good scholar...etc. Now, I have a contract. It's not only going to keep me on task for Nebraska 2.0, but I'm going to fill one out for housework. Why not?

It's Nebraska 2.0

Hi there! If you are one of my readers over at Seeryus Mama, you won't find any of the normal stuff here. No pictures of the kiddies, no giveaway...at least I don't think there will be any giveaways! No Mommy Blogging.

This is a challenge that the Nebraska Library Commission through out...and I'm about challenges! You can read more about it on their blog. Or if you are a Nebraskan, go ahead and get yourself in the game. It's time to play! For more information, click here.

Hang on to your hats...I'm ready to roll!